Prota Clinic - Preventative Health Assessment

Save $300 on a comprehensive health assessment.
Receive a personalized comprehensive annual health assessment at Prota Clinic by a team of health experts. This includes detailed health reports that include your risk factors, how to minimize these risks and improve your overall future health.
For more information
Download brochure, view website, email or call 1-877-867-7682 and mention that you are a part of HUB Select.
The Fine Print
Prota Clinic is a Manitoba based clinic that provides clients with a personalized health assessment using proactive detection and provides advice to decrease your risk factors, help you live longer and improve your quality of life. The $300 savings applies to all employees and members of HUB clients (Note: spouse and children are not eligible for the additional $300 savings).
About HUB Select
HUB Select is a perks program available to employees and members of our clients. Programs are designed to provide either a discount, a valued added benefit or a unique service in the marketplace.*
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*Please note that all offers are subject to change without notice. Service provider contracts and policies will govern.